9-digit order ID per report*
Personal data such as name, sex and date of birth
Date and time of the underlying MRI acquisition and the time of evaluation incl. the software version used
Listing of the most important sequence parameters for validation of the underlying MRI sequence
Presented in a clear format, similar to that of a laboratory report.
Stating the exact volumes of all tissue classes and brain areas.
Shown as absolute volumes (in ml). For ease of comparison with a reference group, standardised to the individual’s own head size and shown as % of the TIV (total intracranial volume).
The relative volume is mapped against the reference range and marked with an asterisk *.
The underlying reference group’s normal distribution is corrected for the respective individual’s age and gender and is illustrated using a traffic light system.
Orange corresponds to a deviation of more than ± 2 standard deviations.
Red corresponds to a deviation of more than ± 3 standard deviations.
Every value is stated with the relevant percentile in ().
The individual normal range of ± 2 standard deviations is shown in ml (absolute volume).
Reliable segmentation of the whole brain with precise, side-differentiated quantification of grey matter and white matter, combined with small-scale assessment of the ventricular system, allows early diagnosis and progression of global internal and/or external brain volume reduction.
The precise quantification of the lesion volume within the white matter, the so-called microangiopathic changes in white matter (as in SAE), allow an estimation of the severity and the course assessment of the second most common form of dementia, vascular dementia. Demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS) also show progressive atrophy of the grey matter with simultaneous dilatation of the lateral ventricles already in early stages of the disease.
Reliable segmentation of the brainstem and cerebellar structures allows differentiated clarification of a wide variety of cerebellar diseases (from alcohol-related cerebellar atrophy to the rare, hereditary ataxias) and opens up the complex field of movement disorders, including atypical Parkinson’s syndromes, to complete your diagnosis.
(Not only atypical Parkinson’s syndromes show midbrain atrophy, pathognomonic for PSP [progressive supranuclear gaze palsy], but frontotemporal dementia also sometimes exhibits a reduction in midbrain volume).